Monday, March 25, 2019

First Blog Post

Why Would Anyone Care What I Have to Say?

I wonder how many educators think this when they are faced with the prospect of blogging or even posting on Twitter.

It's amazing how much we let other entities/people tell our educational stories. Newspapers and news stations often report on educational matters, but usually only the negative stories.  Outside of sports, how much positive coverage does your school get?

I love to hear great things about what is happening in the schools I work with.  Too often I have to ask.  I should be inundated with great news about the daily triumphs in the classroom. Parents would love to hear these things, as would grandparents, uncles, aunts and people not associated with schools...

Share your story. Email me and I can help tell your story.

Check out this video:

There are many, especially, educators that care what you have to say.  Speak out!

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